Month: March 2024

Column Efficiency or Theoretical Plate: How to Understand

Column Efficiency or Theoretical Plate: How to Understand

This article describes column efficiency or theoretical plate; its calculation formulae, application and acceptance criteria, controlling factors with FAQs

What is the Role of Tailing Factor  in HPLC

What is the Role of Tailing Factor in HPLC

This article describes the role of the tailing Factor in HPLC and GC, tailing factor, its application and various factors affecting the tailing factor

Dwell volume, Dead volume and Void volume in HPLC

Dwell volume, Dead volume and Void volume in HPLC

This article describes dwell volume, dead volume and void volume; their measurement, calculation procedure, unretained peaks and applications in HPLC

Need for chromatographic technique: structure of Phenol and Benzoic acid

Need for Chromatographic Techniques: In Drug Development

This article explains why chromatographic techniques are needed for analysis, advantages and disadvantages with case studies and FAqs

Difference between HPLC and GC. Different molecules and their parameters to analyze by HPLC and GC

How to Understand the Difference Between HPLC and GC?

IThis article describes what is the difference between HPLC and GC and their applications with FAQs and case studies

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