GC Calibration

Calibration of Gas Chromatograph (GC): How to Perform

Description of Gas Chromatograph calibration

The following parameters are performed in the Gas chromatograph calibration:

  • Column-oven temperature
  • Flow rate of the gases
  • Detector performance
  • Detector precision
  • Detector linearity

Frequency of the Gas Chromatograph calibration

Once in a six months ± 5 days or any failure

Reagents and instruments required for calibration

The following reagents and instruments are required with valid certificate of analysis:

  • n-Hexane
  • n-Tetradecane
  • n-Pentadecane
  • n-Hexadecane
  • Calibrated temperature probe
  • Capillary column, (30 meter x 0.32mm), fused silica column with 0.25µm film of cross linked methyl siloxane (HP1 or equivalent column can be used

Gas Chromatograph calibration

Column-oven temperature

  • Set the column oven temperature for at least three point from 40oC to 300oC
  • After about 10 minutes record the observed temperature using a calibrated temperature probe
  • Ensure that temperature inside the oven is the same as that set, Also Injector and Detector temperature must equate with the temperature set for them

Acceptance criteria: The observed temperature should be within ± of the set temperature

The flow rate of the gases

Check whether the flow rate of the carrier gases (Nitrogen or Helium) is within the limit of 22.5 to 27.5 ml/minute, the Hydrogen gas flow rate is within limit of 36 to 44 ml/minute and the air flow rate is within the limit of 360 to 440 ml/minute.

Detector Performance

GC column: (30 meter x 0.32mm), fused silica column with 0.25µm film of cross linked methyl siloxane (HP1 or equivalent)

GC chromatographic conditions

Oven temperature(1)  40°C
Time(1) 0 minute
Oven temperature(2) 90°C
Time(2)0 minute
Oven temperature(3)170°C
Time(3) 15 minutes
Injector temperature250°C
Detector FID temperatures270°C
Carrier gas (N2 or He) flow rate0.5ml/minute
Split ratio10:1
Hydrogen flow40 ± 4 ml/minute
Zero Air flow                                 400 ± 4 ml/minute
Axillary flow (N₂)                         25 ± 2.5 ml/minuteI
Injection volume                           1.0μl
Septum purge flow5 ml/minute
Syringed capacity                           10μl
Solvent wash pre-injection/Pre-clean with solvent                 5
Preclean with sample                   3
Sample pump/ filling strokes       5
Post clean with solvent5
GC chromatographic conditions

1000mcg/ml of standard stock preparation

Weigh accurately 50 mg of each n-Tetradecane, n-Pentadecane and n-Hexadecane and transfer then in a 50 ml of volumetric flask containing 20 ml of n-Hexane and finally make up the volume upto mark with n-Hexane .

100 mcg/ml. 200 mcg/ml. 300 mcg/ml, 400 mcg/ml and 500 mcg/ml of standard mixture preparation

Take 5 five ml volumetric flasks of 10 ml capacity.

  1. 100 mcg/ml solution: Transfer 1 ml of standard stock solution in 10 volumetric flask and make up the volume up to the mark
  2. 200 mcg/ml solution: Transfer 2 ml of standard stock solution in 10 volumetric flask and make up the volume up to the mark
  3. 300 mcg/ml solution: Transfer 3 ml of standard stock solution in 10 volumetric flask and make up the volume up to the mark
  4. 400 mcg/ml solution: Transfer 4 ml of standard stock solution in 10 volumetric flask and make up the volume up to the mark
  5. 500 mcg/ml solution: Transfer 5 ml of standard stock solution in 10 volumetric flask and make up the volume up to the mark

Detector precision

Inject 1μl of 300 mcg/ml standard solution six times and calculate

  • the ratio of the area response of n-Pentadecane and n-Tetradecane in all sex injection
  • the ratio of the area response of n-hexadecane and n-Tetradecane in all six injections

Calculate the RSD of ratio of area response for both n-Pentadecane and n-hexadecane.

The retention time of n-Tetradecane is about 10.5 minutes. The following are the RRTs of the other peaks:

Compound nameRRTs
n-Hexane                                               about 0.41
n-Pentadecane                                       about 1.16
n-Hexadecane                                       about 1.39
RRTs table

Acceptance criteria:

Percentage RSD of the area response of the peaks corresponding to n-Pentadecane and n-Hexadecane  to that of n-Tetradecane in the chromatograms of six replicatem injection should not be more than 2.0%.

Detector linearity

  • Inject inject 1μl of each 100 mcg/ml. 200 mcg/ml. 300 mcg/ml, 400 mcg/ml and 500 mcg/ml of standard mixture in duplicate.
  • Plot the linearity from the obtained data (in x-axis concentration and in y-axis area response).
  • Acceptance criteria: The correlation coefficient (r2) should be more than 0.99
  • GC: Gas chromatograph
  • IP
  • IN-house

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