Calibration of HPLC: How to Perform

HPLC calibration parameters

The following parameters are performed in HPLC calibration

  • Pump calibration or flow rate accuracy
  • Injector calibration
  • Detector calibration
  • Vial location calibration for (auto sampler)
  • Gradient calibration
  • Drift and Noise

Reagents and other requirements for HPLC calibration

  • Uracil standard (with valid COA)
  • Propyl paraben standard (with valid COA)
  • Thermometer
  • C18 column, (150×4,6)mm, 5µm
  • stop watch
  • water HPLC grade
  • Methanol (gradient grade)

HPLC calibration frequency

Once in a 6 months ± 5 days

Flow rate accuracy or pump calibration procedure

The flow rate accuracy of the pump can be evaluated simply by the time required to collect a predetermined volume of the eluent at different flow rate setting. Use distilled water as a mobile phase. drain the tubing line with water to ensure that there are no air bubbles trapped in the line.

Set the flow rate of the pump at 0.5ml/minute and start the pump. Allow the pump to run for 10 minutes. Keep 5 ml of class A volumetric flask below the outlet and start the stopwatch. Stop the stop watch when the bottom of the meniscus reaches the 5 ml mark on the flask. Weigh the mobile phase in the gram and calculate the volume of the mobile phase by dividing it by the density of the mobile phase.

Record the elapsed time in seconds. In the same way repeat the process for channel B (for binary system) and B, C and D for quaternary system. Calculate the flowrate using the following formula:

Set the flow rate 1 ml/minute, 2ml/minute for 10 minutes, similarly the mobile phase using 10 ml and 20 ml of class A volumetric flasks respectively. Weigh the mobile phase in the gram and calculate the volume of the mobile phase by dividing it by the density of the mobile phase. Record the result.

Acceptance criteria ±2% of the flow rate

Injector calibration procedure

Inject 5µl, 10µl, 20µl, 50µl and 100µl of 20 mcg/ml solution of Uracil. Record the area response of each injection. Draw the linearity plot between area response and injection volume.

Acceptance criteria: The correlation coefficient should not be less than 0.999

Note: Chromatographic condition as given in the Detector calibration will be considered.

Detector calibration procedure

Chromatographic condition

  • Column: C18, (150×4.6)mm, 5µm
  • Flow rate: 0.9ml/minute
  • Mobile phase: Water:Methanol (60:40)
  • Injection volume: 20µl
  • Run time: 5 minutes

Wavelength accuracy of UV detector

Prepare 20mcg/ml of Uracil solution. Inject 20 µl of this solution at wavelengths 250 nm, 252 nm, 254 nm, 256 nm, 258 nm, 260 nm, 262 nm, 264 nm, 266 nm and 268 nm. and note down the area response.

Acceptance criteria: The wavelength maxima should be 258 nm ± 2nm

Wavelength accuracy of PDA detector

Prepare 20mcg/ml of Uracil solution. Inject 20 µl solution of Uracil in the wavelength range between 200 nm to 400 nm. Extract the chromatogram at 250 nm, 252 nm, 254 nm, 256 nm, 258 nm, 260 nm, 262 nm, 264 nm, 266 nm and 268 nm. and note down the area response.

Acceptance criteria: The wavelength maxima should be 258 nm ± 2nm

Injector precision calibration

Prepare 20mcg/ml of Uracil solution. Inject 20 µl it six times and note down the area response of each injection. Find out the RSD.

Acceptance criteria: The RSD should be less than 1%

Vial location calibration (for auto sampler)

Prepare 20mcg/ml of Uracil solution. Take 5 different HPLC vial and fill each vial with this solution. Keep the each vial at different locations in the autosampler. Inject 20 µl from each vial. Record the area response.

Acceptance criteria: The RSD of area response should be less than 1%

Gradient calibration for Quaternary system

Disconnect the HPLC column and connect the union in place of HPLC column. Flush all the channels first with water and then with methanol. Put the channel A and channel B in the solvent B and channel C and channel D in the solvent A, Perform the gradient calibration as described in the gradient table:

Solvent A: = 5.5mg/litre of Propyl paraben in methanol

Solvent B = Methanol

Flow rate: = 2ml/minute

Wavelength = 254 nm

Run time: 18 minutes

Gradient table

TimeFlow (ml/minute)%A%B%C%DCurve
Gradient table

Note: The above gradient calibration is for water system. These may be some changes in the other system.

Use the following formula to calculate height of the peak A/B/C and A/B/D:

There should be only three peaks. Name the peaks as full scale A/B/C and A/B/D. Record % peak height of all three peaks. % height of the peak A/B/C and A/B/D should be 10% ±5 of the full scale peak. Record the data.

Acceptance criteria: 10% ±5

Drift and Noise

Drift and Noise is the Change in baseline and these occur due to various factors like temperature, vibration, solvent quality etc.

The following chromatographic condition is used to calculate the drift and noise:

  • Column: Use union in place of column
  • Mobile phase: Use distilled water
  • Flow rate: 1.0ml/minute
  • Injection volume: oµl (Use air or empty vial)
  • Wavelength: 254 nm
  • Column temperature: 25 to 40oC
  • Run time: 30 minutes

Procedure: Inject air in the above chromatographic condition and calculate the drift and noise

Acceptance criteria:

  • Noise should be less than or equal to 60 micro AU for UV detector and less than or equal to 80 micro AU for PDA detector
  • Drift should be less than 10 milli AU/Hr for UV detector and less than 10 milli AU/Hr for PDA detector

Carryover calibration

Use the following formula to calculate the carryover:

% Carryover = (carryover area in blank/test area)x100

Acceptance criteria: Not more than 0.01%


  • HPLC: High-performance liquid chromatography
  • C18: Octadecylsilane


  • In-house
  • IP

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